
Pacific Ocean Card Game

Are you ready to build the best marine sanctuary?
Order this beautiful game now and join over 2400 backers on Kickstarter!

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How To Play?

Pacific Ocean is a quick set collection game where you aim to attract aquatic animals to your marine sanctuary. During the course of the game, you’ll select new inhabitants not just for yourself, but also for your opponent. Every animal that you attract will affect your end game points in unique ways.

Each Aquatic Animal cards has:


"I cut you choose"

Select 2 Aquatic Animal cards from your hand and place 1 card face up and the other card face down. The other player chooses 1 of those cards to add to their sanctuary. The remaining card is added to your own sanctuary.

Add icons or scoring condition

You can add a card to your sanctuary in one of two ways: to add icons or a scoring condition. To add icons, place a card underneath and expose just the top of the card, showing the icons. To add a scoring condition, expose just the bottom of the card, showing the condition.

Score points

After 6 turns both players score all the points by satisfying scoring conditions in their sanctuaries. The player who has scored the most points wins.

Download Free Version

Do you want to try it? Get a free "print and play" version of the game right in your inbox. It includes 18 cards with the base 2-player mode.